Optimizing Teacher Self-Efficacy in Facing the New Normal: A Literature Review

Hardianto Hardianto, Vivi Puspita Sari, Hidayat Hidayat


The background of this research is the importance of teachers having self-efficacy in carrying out their duties. There are not many writings that specifically discuss this issue. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of teachers’ self-efficacy by looking at the factors that influence it and the role of the principal in generating their self-efficacy. The research method used is a literature review method. The primary data sources are articles published in national and international journals from 2018 to 2022. The keywords in the article search were teacher “efikasi diri” and “self-efficacy”. The results of the study note that there are two factors that influence teacher self-efficacy, namely internal and external factors. The principal's effort in realizing teacher self-efficacy is the main one by implementing good communication.


Optimizing, Self-Efficacy, Teacher

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35445/alishlah.v15i1.2835


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