Development of Steam-C Integrated Student Worksheets to Improve Creative Thinking Ability on Flat Side Building Materials

Edy Suprapto, Ika Krisdiana, Davi Apriandi, Fitria Rizqy Yuanawati


This study aims to develop and produce the STEAM-C integrated worksheets to improve students' creative thinking skills on the flat-sided building material. Development of student worksheets uses the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation , and Evaluation . The research was carried out at SMPN 10 Madiun, using 6 students in grade 8D in a limited trial and using grade 8F students as many as 24 students in a field trial. The results of this study are 1) The STEAM-C integrated student worksheets is declared valid with a validity percentage of 81%. 2) The STEAM-C integrated student worksheets is stated to be very practical based on the results of the calculation of the student response questionnaire in a limited trial with a practicality level of 97%, in a field trial with a practicality level of 93%. 3) The STEAM-C integrated student worksheets is declared effective in the high category based on the calculation of the N - Gain value in the limited trial of 86% and in the field trial of 71%. Thus the STEAM-C integrated student worksheets is feasible to be used in improving creative thinking abilities.


STEAM-C, Student Worksheet, Creative Thinking

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