Assessing the Quality of Islamic Education and Challenges for UIN Raden Fatah Palembang in Achieving World-Class University Status
In the face of global competition, a professional, competent, and skilled workforce is essential for success in the ASEAN labor market. UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, as one of the leading higher education institutions in South Sumatra, holds significant potential for developing highly qualified human resources. This study aims to analyze the role of UIN Raden Fatah in enhancing the quality of education to support the creation of a competitive workforce, particularly within the context of the ASEAN Community. The research employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing literature review, observation, and interviews. The collected data is processed using data reduction techniques to produce accurate conclusions. The transformation of UIN Raden Fatah from IAIN in 2014 marked a pivotal moment in the development of Islamic higher education in Sumatra. UIN Raden Fatah faces significant challenges in achieving World-Class University (WCU) status, particularly in terms of educational quality and budget constraints. This study also provides strategic recommendations for UIN Raden Fatah to strengthen its vision, governance, human resources, infrastructure, and international collaboration, enabling the institution to compete regionally and globally. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the mapping of strategic steps that UIN Raden Fatah Palembang must take to realize its vision of becoming a world-class university.
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