Developing Local Wisdom-Based E-Module in Reading and Writing Course for Tertiary Students in Indonesia

Erni Erni


The lack of local content-based material in Reading and Writing (R&W) courses has contributed to tertiary students' low cultural awareness ability in Indonesia. Technology has increased the use of hypermedia text in RW in learning. This study aimed to develop a local-content-based e-module to improve students' cultural awareness in the RW course. The Research and Development (R&D) method was applied through the need analysis, product development, field trial, and dissemination steps. Two media experts and two content experts participated in this study. Thirty-three students were selected purposively as the research sample. Questionnaires using a Likert scale of 1-4 and interviews were used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics and one-to-one analysis were applied in this study.   The research found that the media expert validity score was 95%, the content expert validity score was 95%, and the students' validity score was 90%. It means that the e-module was very valid. It was also interpreted that 89% of students were motivated to learn  R&W course using a local wisdom-based e-module, and  90% agreed that the local wisdom-based e-module improved their cultural awareness. Tertiary students in Indonesia could use an e-module based on local wisdom, especially in RW courses.


E-module, local wisdom, Reading and writing course.

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