Development of Integrated Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Creative Problem Solving Assisted by Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro in the Third Grade of Elementary School

Sunita Hairani, Risda Amini


Students must be the main subject in the classroom in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. One method for producing students with the abilities required for the twenty-first century is to use a Creative Problem-Solving Approach with learning patterns aligned with the 2013 Curriculum, such as an integrated thematic or unified thematic approach and e-books aided by the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro application. This study aims to develop integrated thematic teaching materials based on creative problem solving assisted by kvisoft flipbook maker pro in the third grade of elementary school. The development research method was used with the ADDIE development model has five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results show that developed teaching materials have a percentage of validity of 89.06% (content validation), 80% (graphic validation), and 83.3% (language validation). The practicality of teacher responses obtained a 3.7 (very practical), while the student response was 3.5. (very practical). Effectiveness, as measured by student learning outcomes, received an N-Gain Score of 0.71 with an effective category (high). It means that the teaching materials created for third-grade elementary school students were valid, practical, and effective and implemented in three schools in West Pasaman.


Development; Teaching materials; CPS; Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro

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