Learning History with DeepThink: A Model to Train Critical Thinking Skills
Historical education transcends the mere acquisition of facts, aiming instead to uncover the value and significance of historical events. This shift from passive memorization to an engaged synthesis of past, present, and future highlights the critical role of analytical thinking in historical understanding. The primary concern addressed in this study is the deficiency in students' critical thinking abilities, which significantly hampers their comprehension of historical events. To address this issue, the research employs a literature review methodology to explore the pivotal role of critical thinking in history education and to develop a pedagogical strategy aimed at enhancing this skill. The result is the innovative DeepThink learning model, which is structured around a seven-step syntax designed to foster critical thinking: 1) Opening; 2) Apperception; 3) Teacher Explanation and Discussion; 4) Lighter Questions; 5) Questions Building and Argument Solutions; 6) Evaluation; and 7) Closing. This model operationalizes the six core indicators of critical thinking identified by Facione, tailored specifically to the unique demands of historical education. By embedding these universal indicators within the DeepThink model, the study ensures that they resonate with the inherent qualities of historical study. Consequently, students trained under this model are better equipped to teach history effectively as future educators.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35445/alishlah.v16i2.4915
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