Interpretation in Character Education Student (Munasabah approach of the Quran)

Bisyri Abdul Karim, Akhmad Syahid, Rosmiati Rosmiati, Martini Martini


This research examines the concept of interpretation in student character education with the Qur'an munasabah approach  . The purpose of the study will  analyze the concept of character education and interpretation of the themes of character education contained in the Qur'an which can be used as a reference for planting and transmitting student character education in higher education.  Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that student character education  is a process of instilling good character values as a conscious effort through education. This process is carried out continuously as a planned stage of transmission to equip students with noble personalities. Reference sources related to student character education can be explored in the verses of the Qur'an with a munasabah  approach to absorb the meaning of verses related to character education including verses themed on honesty character, disciplinary, hard work, curiosity, achievement, friendliness, peace-loving, reading character  , and social character of college students.


Character Education, College Students, Munasabah aprroach

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