
Issue Title
Vol 14, No 3 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Students’ Satisfaction and Learning Motivation toward Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract  PDF
Farida Mayar, Febri Wandha Putra, M. Aries Taufiq, Fenny Ayu Monia, Siti Osa Kosassy
Vol 14, No 3 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Analysis of The Development of Non-Cognitive Assessment Instrument to Support Online History Learning in Jambi City High School Abstract  PDF
Willy Cahyadi, Dian Aswita, Tri Zahra Ningsih
Vol 14, No 2 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan The Significance of Principal Management on Teacher Performance and Quality of Learning Abstract  PDF
Deti Rostini, Rifqi Zaeni Achmad Syam, Willya Achmad
Vol 14, No 3 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan The Comparison of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability through Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) Abstract  PDF
Chairuddin Chairuddin, Farman Farman
Vol 16, No 2 (2024): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Development of Interactive Multimedia Indonesian Language Teaching Material Based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Elementary Schools Abstract  PDF
Fitra Ramadani, Desyandri Desyandri, Elfia Sukma, Yeni Erita
Vol 13, No 3 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Women Empowerment in Indonesia: Community Learning Activity Center Programs Abstract  PDF
Dadi Dadi
Vol 13, No 1 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN The Principal Strategy for Improving the Quality of Learning at an Integrated Islamic Elementary School Abstract  PDF
Noviyana Rustam, Murniati Murniati, Niswanto Niswanto
Vol 16, No 2 (2024): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Math Teachers in Bone Regency Middle Schools: A Profile of Their Differentiated Learning Abilities Abstract  PDF
Rahma Hidayati Darwis, Suradi Tahmir, Ahmad Talib
Vol 15, No 4 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Development of Didactical Design Concepts of Areas of Squares and Rectangles Assisted by Geogebra in Middle School Abstract  PDF
Rostina Rostina, Sugiatno Sugiatno, Nurfadilah Siregar
Vol 15, No 4 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Implications of Teacher Competency and Learning Models on Student Motivation and Discipline Based on SMART-PLS Abstract  PDF
Mohammad Amin Lasaiba, Arman Man Arfa
Vol 15, No 2 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan OBAMATARE-Alquran: The Syntax of the Quran-Based CTL Model in the Learning of Islam Religious Education in Higher Education Abstract  PDF
Indah Muliati, Alfurqan Alfurqan, Murniyetti Murniyetti, Sulaiman Sulaiman
Vol 14, No 2 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Implementation Indonesian Language Learning through Critical Discourse Analysis of Verbal Abuse in the 2019 Presidential Election Abstract  PDF
Jumadi Jumadi, Muhammad Rafiek, Rusma Noortyani, Mutiani Mutiani, Ersis Warmansyah Abbas
Vol 13, No 3 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Management Development of Problem-Based Learning Abstract  PDF
Ikhfan Haris
Vol 13, No 3 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Social Networking Trend in Improving Educational Leadership Competency in Higher Learning: Systematic Data Analysis Abstract  PDF
Antoni Ludfi Arifin
Vol 13, No 1 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN The Role of Fresh Graduates as Learning Volunteers in the Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract  PDF
Bertholomeus Jawa Bhaga
Vol 16, No 3 (2024): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Enhancing Teacher Performance Management in Islamic Schools: A Case Study in Madrasah Aliyah Minat Kesugihan Cilacap Abstract  PDF
Sri Winarsih
Vol 15, No 4 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Development of Android Application-Based Volley Learning Media for Vocational High School Students Abstract  PDF
Ibrahim Ibrahim, Arjasman Sinaga, Ade Ros Riza, Usman Nasution
Vol 15, No 4 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Analysis of Parent Stress Levels Toward Children in the Online Learning Process During New Normal Abstract  PDF
Saifuddin Saifuddin, Hasanah Hasanah, Iqbal Iqbal, Silvi Puspa Widya Lubis, Khairatul Ulya
Vol 15, No 1 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Application of Education Management Information System in the Online Learning Process in Madrasah Abstract  PDF
Danang Dwi Prasetyo, Annisa Himmatul Ilya, Syarif Hidayat, Diningrum Citraningsih
Vol 14, No 3 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Kolb’s learning Style Affect EFL Creativity of Indonesian Students Abstract  PDF
Eny Syatriana, Erwin Akib, Saiful Saiful
Vol 14, No 2 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Development of Learning Videos with the Kinemaster Application to Facilitate Online Learning at Junior High Schools in Aceh Besar Abstract  PDF
Syarifah Farissi Hamama, Maulida Maulida
Vol 16, No 4 (2024): Article in Progress The Effect of Value Clarification and Locus of Control Learning on Students' Moral Development Level Abstract
Sukisno Sukisno, Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani
Vol 15, No 1 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Needs Analysis of Digital-Based History Learning Resources in Senior High School Abstract  PDF
Siti Swasti Eka D, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Santi Oktarina
Vol 14, No 1 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Analysis of Digital Learning Models-based MOOCs in Practical Courses to Motivate Students to Learn in Higher Education Abstract  PDF
Rahmad Hidayat
Vol 13, No 1 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Project-Based Learning Model with A Scientific Approach to Mathematics Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract  PDF
Arum Dwi Rahmawati, Djoko Hari Supriyanto, Wulan Ria Sari
476 - 500 of 500 Items << < 15 16 17 18 19 20 

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